Monday, February 21, 2011

5 Interesting Coffee facts

Coffee and it's history is quite layered, complex, and very interesting...just like a good cup of liquid personality.  Here are 5 things that may perk your interest:

1) Since every great thing has a legend of how it began, coffee has it's own mythical story.  The legend is of Kaldi an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats dancing around and acting strangely excited one day.  Upon investigation he noticed the goats were eating strange red berries growing on shrubs near the animals grazing grounds.  He ate one of the berries and felt re-charged, energized and giddy.  He told everyone he knew...they told others...and it went viral....but in 800 AD style.  Once the Monks got word of the magical fruit, they discovered that the beans could be roasted and brewed to help keep them alert on their spiritual journey. 

2) Coffee was considered so important to a person's quality of life in Turkey, that a woman was legally allowed to divorce her husband if  he did not supply her with enough coffee.  That sounds like the law my wife also lives by.

3) Coffee is the second most traded commodity next to petroleum.  It is a 60+ billion dollar a year industry!

4) Americans, Germans, and the French account for almost 2/3 of the world's coffee consumption.  Something we can all agree on.

5) The term Americano is from WWII when American GIs asked for hot water to dilute their strong espresso "coffee".

see you in the am

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