Monday, March 7, 2011

Beautiful Coffee Transporter

If you've come by the shop in the last week, you've seen her.  My brand new...old.....dream mobile.  My 1973 VW Bus.  She's Bean Traders orange and so eye-catchingly beautiful.  Her name is Garcie...rhymes with Marcy.  I found her in Chapel Hill in the parking lot of Southern Seasons of all places.  Christy and I were returning from delivering the bean to Red Star Coffee in Pittsboro, NC.  As we came up 15-501..  ...BOOM.  There she was For Sale sign in window.  One screaming U-turn later we were staring at a super clean engine and our Bean Transporter a state of disbelief.  I made a call to the seller...who informed me through some mishaps with other inquirers the bus had not sold...I set up a test drive and waited.  My lifelong vehicle dream was about to come true...a VW bus of my very own!  A bean bus for deliveries!  A family road trip mobile! 

If you haven't seen Garcie yet...come by the shop, check her out, and share your VW story with me.

See you in the AM

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