Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Daily Intake

Sometimes I forget not everyone drinks coffee, and most coffee drinkers probably don't drink as much as me--the guys who prepares coffee beverages 10 hours a day--the guy whose second job is roasting the beans that help in the process of making said beverages.

You probably shouldn't attempt to take in the amount of caffeine on my daily menu.

Today I drank a 20oz coffee around 8am....a double shot iced latte around 11:30am....and a triple shot of espresso around 6:30pm, and this was on a very rare day off.

Tomorrow I work 5:30am-6:30pm....and then roast coffee for about 3 hours...I probably should mention I eat the coffee beans throughout the roasting process to make sure my roasts are on caffeine intake tomorrow will be Charlie Sheen.  

How much coffee do you drink daily?

1 comment:

  1. A double-shot of expresso sure would be good right now :)
